Curriculum Statement of Intent
Our curriculum has been designed to provide our children with the key knowledge and skills that they require in order to become rounded and well-informed young people. We want them to leave primary education with a love for learning and to have the foundations they need across the breadth of the curriculum in order to be able to take their studies further into secondary education. At Bottisham Primary, the curriculum is designed to build on children’s prior learning, provide first-hand learning experiences, allow the children to develop interpersonal skills, build resilience and become creative, critical thinkers.
Following consultation with pupils, parents and carers, staff and governors, we identified four key aims for our curriculum at Bottisham Community Primary School.
By the end of Year 6, our pupils will:
- Foster a positive and caring attitude to others
Our pupils will experience an environment that promotes equality and respect for others, supporting pupils to develop a strong sense of social responsibility. The curriculum provides pupils with opportunities to appreciate and celebrate difference, helping them to understand their place both as UK and global citizens
- Become effective learners
Our pupils will become curious, resilient, think for themselves, work with others and show persistence in their learning. The curriculum is adapted to meet the needs of all pupils and is aimed at being as inclusive as possible so that all children feel engaged and supported to access the learning in a way that meets their individual needs.
- Be prepared with the skills, knowledge and understanding they need for the next stage in their school life
There is high ambition for all pupils to achieve their potential, and the school ensures that disadvantaged pupils or pupils with SEND are supported to access the same breadth and depth as other pupils, through appropriate scaffolding and support.
- Feel secure and live a healthy and safe life
Pupils will be supported to know how to keep themselves physically and mentally healthy. They will understand how to manage the risks and challenges which arise as part of everyday life.
To achieve these aims, we have created a curriculum that is stimulating and inspiring for our pupils, encouraging them to develop independent thinking skills whilst promoting their natural curiosity and creativity.