Our pupils will become curious, resilient, think for themselves, work with others and show persistence in their learning. The curriculum is adapted to meet the needs of all pupils and is aimed at being as inclusive as possible so that all children feel engaged and supported to access the learning in a way that meets their individual needs. We have high ambition for all pupils to achieve their potential, and the school ensures that disadvantaged pupils or pupils with SEND are supported to access the same breadth and depth as other pupils, through appropriate scaffolding and support.

Our provision for pupils with special educational needs aims to:

  • identify children with special educational needs and disabilities and ensure that their needs are met
  • ensure that children with special educational needs and disabilities are able to participate in all the activities of the school
  • ensure that all learners make the best possible progress
  • ensure that parents are informed of their child’s special needs and that there is effective communication between parents and school
  • ensure that learners express their views and are fully involved in decisions which affect their education
  • promote effective partnership and involve outside agencies when appropriate.

Everyone in the school community – governors, staff, children and parents – has a positive and active part to play in achieving these aims:

Governors:  by fulfilling their statutory duties to pupils with special educational needs, by securing appropriate resources, by establishing a policy which has regard to the Code of Practice on the identification and assessment of special educational needs and by participating in appropriate training.

Staff:  by acting on the principle that every member of staff is directly responsible for meeting the needs of all pupils, by working in partnership with the Special Educational Needs and Disability Co-ordinator, pupils, parents and other agencies and by participating in appropriate training.

Pupils:  by having their wishes about their own needs regularly sought and carefully considered and by all pupils treating their peers with respect.

Parents:  through consultation and by working in partnership with the school to help meet their child’s needs


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