Where to find help if you have a concern
If you have any queries, your first port of call is your child’s class teacher who will be happy to arrange a time to meet with you to discuss your concerns. Many concerns can be resolved quickly by making early contact with the class teacher.
For more complex issues, please contact either the Assistant Headteachers or Headteacher to arrange a meeting. Mrs Swift is the Assistant Headteacher responsible for FS/KS1 and Mrs Sands for KS2.
You can make an appointment by contacting the school office on office@bottishamprimary.org or on 01223 811235.
The vast majority of concerns can be resolved informally through discussion and good communication. However, if you are not satisfied with the outcome, a formal procedure would then need to be followed. Please find below a copy of our complaints procedure which has been agreed by our governing body
Victim of Domestic Abuse
If you know someone who is a victim of domestic abuse, or you are a victim, please consider using this website to get help or advice: